Should YOUR aging parent MOVE-IN with YOU? - Ask the expert

Should YOUR aging parent MOVE-IN with YOU? - Ask the expert

Moving a parent in to your home can have many benefits. The same goes for caregiver that move-in with their loved-one but remember there is likely going to be a point where it may cause fatigue, stress, heartache and more expense than if they had a senior living apartment and care that came to them. These are especially true should it get to the point when your home has to go through a remodel for safety accommodations, says Alisha Duvall  MSW/MFT.

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Alisha has overcome personal and professional barriers opening her own business. She has reinvented herself by using the knowledge and experience gained from her professional career. Her business and passion is helping senior adults (and loved ones) navigate through the challenges of aging. To be only 32, and female, Alisha has a long background in volunteering, fundraising, and community awareness.

Alisha has been making her mark in the community for over 10 years. Starting at a very young age she has never let her age or gender hold her back. She as a teenager started a community activist movement to get others in her county involved in starting programs like adopt-a-grandparent. She was on the board of Floyd County Special Students Summer Program handing off the torch to inspire high school students to step outside the box and become stakeholders in community awareness of the matters they believe in to ensure they know they have a voice to make a difference. She went on to get a B.A in PSY, Masters in Social Work and Post Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy. She has remained professional throughout her carrier and overcame barriers of being raised in an abusive home to be a Female leader in her profession. She started her own company two years ago. She to no ones surprise has continued to excel at being an entrepreneur as well. She is absolutely the women to pick.

UofL Research study on 117 older adults with asthma's home found ...what?

Did you hear about the University of Louisville study that sampled the air inside some nearly 120 homes of older adults with asthma? Guess that they found! They discovered dozens of chemicals at levels that could pose health risks and many of our local seniors have had over decades of exposure. Courier Journal noted, "Here are some of them. -Wochit" video clip above. Did you know that Louisville has nearly 150,000 residents with COPD, says the Lung ... of the Institute for Healthy Air, Water and Soil, another Air Louisville partner.


Sources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, University of Louisville, Institute for Healthy Air, Water and Soil, Courier-Journal research.

Sources: Courier-Journal research :

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Free Consultations this October - Long-Term Care Planning Month

Call Alisha Duvall MSW/MFT today to discuss your family's Long-Term Care Plan options.


Call today: (502) 242 - 7691

Assisted Living 

Long term care

nursing home

personal care

in home care





aging - in-place


Alisha Duvall, MSW/MFT

Before I received my Masters in Social Work and Marriage & Family Therapy, I knew I was meant to help folks. When I began this company I realized the importance of quality of life. Everyone deserves to live the best life possible. Let me assist you and your loved one to maintain the highest level of dignity and independence possible as this journey of aging continues.

Call today to see how I can assist you (502) 242-7691

TBT: Today's Woman behind the scene photo-shoot.


"I was so nervous I felt sick to my stomach," Alisha Duvall of Alee Solutions shared when asked about what it was like to do the photo-shoot for the Way to Go Woman award 2017. She went on to say that even though she had been on live TV numerous times it was this photo-shoot that really got her nerves going. Here are some behind the scene photos of the photo-shoot.

Unfeigned Review of Alisha Duvall at Alee Solutions -- Share if you feel the same way

"I have worked alongside Alisha for years.  In all of my career I have never worked with someone that is as passionate, as caring, and as dedicated to helping others.  She bore a heavy burden while with Hosparus as she assisted those in the end of life.  She acted with professionalism, compassion, and an empathy that can not be imitated.

Her path led her to start her own business Alee Solutions, that specializes in finding placement for seniors.  She has went above and beyond what she promises her clients.  Alisha does this because she genuinely cares for people.  I assure you that it is not for the money, she doesn't know if she is going to be paid when taking on new clients.  She does every thing she can for them and sees them through to the end.

Alisha has more integrity and love for people that I can only hope to one day achieve." - Rick M.


"You will not find a better knowledge based company than Alee Solutions"

What a fantastic review! Thought it was worth the re-share.