Spring Beach Travel | Gulf Shores, AL

Gulf Shores, AL is within driving distance from Kentuckiana. It allows even those who need to make frequent stops or traveling with a senior that has special needs that flying doesn’t allow for. Traveling with a senior has it’s own special circumstances that are important.

The weather was in the low 90s in early June 2022. This made for early morning visits to the beach before the crowds arrived. It allowed the extra time to navigate the terrain and not feel rushed by the families of tourist that often arrive a bit later in the day. The weather plenty warm to enjoy the warmish waters that stroke the shores as early as 6am. The sun quickly approaches and begins to burn. Caution to plan for overheating in the sun and risk for skin damage should be made.

The hotel we visited was the perfect choice for those with health conditions. There was an ER within 5 min drive and an urgent care within 10 min drive for any health conditions that arise.

The food options were very pleasant and offered even those who need mechanically soft diets possible. Several fish restaurants were perfect for those needing soft to swallow food that taste so good that anyone would enjoy just texture.